Monday 9 January 2012

this blog is a (slow) work in progress

: : :

while i figure out how to customise templates,
this blog will be incomplete and kind of horrendous.. 

so in the mean time, please visit my other blog, instagramtumblr
or my website

: : :

new website, finally!

Tuesday 29 November 2011


i'm trying to write about my travels.. i started a new blog for it all when we were in san francisco, but everything always comes out so slowly.
just now i was looking at a stranger's photographs of iceland, and then another stranger's photographs of amsterdam, and i started getting all nostalgic and itchy footed.
so i'm going to try really hard to put the pieces together, all the things i never got around to posting about.

in january we are going to florida to see r's mum and dad. we haven't been for a very long time. i'm looking forward to hunting out gators and bobcats. one year, i gave a gator an apple because i wanted to photograph its teeth.

in march we are going to australia to see the friends that moved away.

meanwhile, here in bournemouth. today is the first real sign of winter, the wind tearing about the hill, and the ocean looks furious.
i'm dreaming of studio space. we're thinking about renting somewhere, because this apartment is a bit too small for big projects. i just built an almost-life-sized wolf. i want to make mountains and trees but there just isn't the room.
ross needs a place to build film-sets.
our friend natalia needs a place to do everything.
so i have this idea of the perfect studio space for lots of projects. and i'm thinking of animation, painstakingly time-consuming stop motion.
also i am trying to write a book.

Sunday 21 November 2010

i might start writing here instead of livejournal.

what a traitor.